Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Its too hot to can

     Yesterday I pressure canned 3 pints of taco meat and 3 pints of sloppy joes.  Then I steam canned 5 pints of pickled okra and 1 quart of pickled jalapenos.  The temparature in the camper got up to 95 degrees and took all day to cool down to the 80's.  I think I am pretty much done with canning everything except things I can steam can until we get into the new house.  Its just too hard on me in this heat.
      I love to can and worry about the rising prices so I wanted to can as much as I could while we could still afford to buy the food but I think I am just going to have to say I am done.
Maybe when we get moved and settled the prices wont be too bad and I can find a local butcher shop and can some more meat.  I love home canned meat, it is so much tastier than store bought canned meat and if you live too far away from the stores its a good thing to have on hand.
     Once we get moved I want to start a garden using Christinas method of burying buckets that have the bottoms cut out.  I will try the winter crops in them and see how they do.  There is a small greenhouse at the new place which will come in handy to start seeds.  I wont be needing to grow anything in it because of the mild weather we have around here.
     The new house is on a lake so there may be some difference in temperatures there with the water so close. 
      Here is a picture of the house we are buying.
And here is the small greenhouse.

Monday, July 30, 2012

More old canning pix

Wife and child of tobacco sharecropper. The littlest girl comes in from outside for something to eat while mother is doing her housework. The child next to the baby is called in this country the "knee baby." Person County, North Carolina, 1939

1940 canning demo

Canning milk with pressure cooker in project family's home. Terrebonne Project, Schriever, Louisiana, 1940

‎1943... Washington public schools go to war. The public schools of Washington, D.C., like those in most other sections of the country, have revised their curricula to fit the pupils for fuller participation in the war effort. They have gone all-out for the Program of Civilian Defense and at the Margaret Murray Washington Vocational School, courses in home-making and the preservation of foods are now taught all young women. Photo shows Miss Laura Russell removing a can of string beans from pressure cooker

Workers in Astrakhan factory canning and weighing caviar.

Location: Russia

Date taken: May 1960

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Missonary update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: Blog, Sunday, July 28, 2012

Date: July 29, 2012 2:40:40 AM CDT

DRIVING TEST was really fun! So why am I not laughing?

Our tester has a reputation as a strict guy. When he was passing out tests, he started to hand me a test, and then jerked it back, giving me a different one.

I was the only NON Mozambican in the room so I stuck out like a sore thumb. Even the students were staring at me. The test I had to take was on “Auto-Estratas”-- Multi lane FREEWAYS of all things! They don’t even exists in Mozambique! Of 25 questions, I think I missed 2, but only time will tell. No one knows how many you can miss and still pass. Results are supposed to be out in 2 weeks. So I’ll keep you posted. VERY frustrating to find out that 10 of the 25 questions asked were not even in the study material. GRRRR! Goes the Rabbit!


Please understand that YOU may be the person who knows the one the Lord wants to send.

PLEASE follow His leading if the Lord is asking you to contact someone on our behalf.

We WILL fine sponsors to help with a ticket. The trip will be at GOD’S expense.

I just drove in from Pemba (3.5 hour drive) after dropping off our last 2 visitors at the airport.

Didn’t make church today, but had a refreshing time of praise and worship time with Jesus as I drove home.

My 2 “guards” in the back seat enjoyed the music also. Both are members of our church.


All was NOT going well as we scurried from shop to shop yesterday at the Pemba port, where all the warehouses are. (I call it my SAM’S warehouse, MACRO to all of you in RSA) I was desperate to find baby formula for our 13 babies! The town was basically SOLD OUT, and we had only a 2 weeks supply left.

Many new orphaned babies entered into the program last month, and no one told me our stock was getting low. (I try to keep 3 months ahead of the need because shortages are common in Mozambique.)

We got a few cans here and there, but I needed at least 10 CASES to keep our babies for a few weeks. None of the store owners knew when more formula would be shipped in. We had basically run out of places to look, when I remembered a small “barracka” next to the hardware store I frequent.

A BARRACKA is a small general store, usually in the market place of a town, which is owned and run by a Mozambican. Spotting a few cans of formula on the shelf, I asked to buy all he had. He said he could get me 7 more CASES if I’d wait an hour or so. It took 2 hours and 3 trips to his store before he finally had someone bring the cases from his home. Persistence and perseverance PAID OFF as he found 8 CASES! Just like God to provide more than we asked for via a non-believer.

Our babies will eat well for August, thanks to God’s provision, and your Love Gifts that pay for this precious gift of life.

Lots of Love and REMEMBER to keep your ears/eyes open for the one God is sending to be our truck driver!


Bush Bunny Brenda

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Debbie Haston's seasoned taco meat to can

I Season my own tacos and don't use a package seasoning.

Here is my recipe. This is for 6 lbs of hamburger. I start with 3 yellow onions md. to lg. diced and 3 Tablespoons Cumin, 3 Tablespoons minced garlic,

 8 Tablespoons chili powder, 6 teaspoons of cayenne pepper. I put that in a very large skillet and bloom the spices (let them get hot) then add the hamburger and fry all together until done.

 Drain well saving the juice off of the meat. Fill jar to the bottom mark on jar with the meat juice then pack with cooked meat. I added a half teaspoon of better then bullion to each jar. so did not add salt.

 Since the meat is already cooked we only pressured for 60 min at 10Lbs. I use this meat in Tacos, burritos, and for a chilli base.

I hope this helps.

Missonary update

Bush Beat Blog
From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: blog July 26, trucker requirements

Date: July 26, 2012 2:10:30 AM CDT
For those thinking about the trucker need, I wanted to add some facts.

If you don’t have a commercial license, DO NOT worry about that. We can organize a temporary permit over here.

You just need to bring an International driver’s license from AAA.

What we are looking for is someone with some experience or WHO IS WILLING TO LEARN how to driving these medium size SINGLE body trucks (not a fifth wheel). Any experienced driver can learn these trucks quite quickly, just as I did.
Please contact me if you have the time to come and we will chat about this.

BBB Brenda@orphansunlimited.org

Canning picture

Demonstrating process of canning corn at community canning kitchen near Atkins, Arkansas, c. 1935

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Missionary update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: Blog, July 25, 2012

Date: July 25, 2012 5:36:24 AM CDT


The film was completed Sunday night after a Saturday night power failure. After the film was over, 16 teenagers came forward from all parts of the crowd to receive Jesus. Our pastors are following up this week.

URGENT NEED for TRUCK DRIVER from Sept. to November.

Don was our backup driver for these months, but he was called home in July due to family obligations. We have a hole that needs to be filled.

I found out last week that I can’t handle the big rig for multiple trips as the steering is causing too much shoulder and back pain afterwards. Truck driving in these rough conditions requires a strong back and shoulders, so we need someone to give us a hand.


We have to move 200+ TONS of corn and beans in Balama county alone for the food hand outs that begin next week so that our 1,200 Balama orphans living in remote villages won’t go hungry.

16 trips are needed to haul 108 TONS of corn and beans to Meluco where 515 orphans live. Manuel, our only truck driver, will be kept running just to do that as each trip takes 2 days (18 hours of driving).

That leaves most of the Balama driving to DE BUNNY since Eric will be gone till the end of Sept. (cause there isn’t anyone else who can do it).

We also realize now that more bricks will have to be made during these months, as the government is requiring lunch rooms to be built for both the children’s complexes currently under construction. These 2 lunch rooms will require an additional 10,000 bricks to be made.


Anyone qualified to drive a 6 ton truck, who can give 3 months, should contact me immediately.

You must have a passport in hand as there is no time to wait for one.



Thanks to the help of Dale, David, and our 8 man goat herder team, de Bunny was able to deworm all 70 goats at 6a.m. today. Worms are the LEADING CAUSE of death in goats, and with the ever increasing numbers of our herd, we are seeing more worm problems even with open range grazing. It was a fun time as only 2 goats spit in my face! Nothing like slimy, half chewed greens to make your day! Before we do this again, I plan to build a chute leading to a low table so that the goats and I can “see eye to eye” on this matter. This squatting down 70+ times to give each of them an oral drench is not conducive to old bunny muscles. Ugh!


Got a call today saying be there or be dumped off the list for the driving test. I’ve studied, but doing this in Portuguese will be a real challenge. Could use a few angels to whisper the meaning of words into my ear when I get stumped by a question. I know the information, but it’s trying to figure out what they are asking that is the challenge. No English/Portuguese dictionaries allowed. Prayers would be appreciated that I can pass this on the first try.

Eric and all the visitors bug out this weekend. I’ll be in Pemba all weekend taking visitors to the airport, so no more blogs till next week.

Eric goes to South Africa for our annual supply trip for things we can’t get in Moz.

Dale and David fly to the USA on Saturday.

Dale has had a blast teaching and giving object lessons with everything from oranges to sponges soaking up water.

David now counts bricks in his sleep as he has moved over 5000 this week alone. (360 bricks per truck load) It keeps him busy.

Your water well funds are hard at work as the Administrator of Meluco County called me personally on Monday to BEG help. SEVEN WATER WELLS were down with broken parts. Most can be repaired for $100.

We used the last of our water well repair funds to buy parts 2 weeks ago. Our fund is now empty.
Know that all of us LOVE and APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!

Your prayers help us through all our challenges.

Stay tuned till next week, when the Bush Bunny will once again blog away!
Love and Hugs,


Why grease must be saved

Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front--and there's one in every American kitchen--saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers on the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds, these are some of the fats which should be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids, and poured into wide-mouthed cans such as coffee or fat cans... 1942

Daily shower spray

1/2C Hydrogen Peroxide

1/2C Rubbing Alcohol

1/2 tsp Dish Detergent

2 tsp vinegar

1 1/2C Water

Mix in a spray bottle and spray shower daily.
Recipe can be doubled

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I love old canning pictures

The canner on the stove looks like a modern one, the kind that dont use gaskets.  Someday I hope to get one of those.


(makes about 10 pint jars)

These are addicting. Use on any sandwich, burger or anything. Very popular in our farmstand.

18 cups of sliced jalapenos

2 cups of sliced onions

7 cups white vinegar

3 cups of honey

1 Tablespoon ground ginger

1 Tablespoon mustard seeds

1 Tablespoon celery seed

1 ½ Tablespoons turmeric

Combine honey, vinegar and spices in large pot and bring to a boil. Boil syrup for 10 minutes. Add jalapenos and onions and heat to just boiling. Ladle into prepared pint jars leaving ½ inch headspace. Process for 15 minutes in boiling water bath.
I want to try this, I will just make the juice and can them up as I get them.  Or I can pick up a bunch at the store next time they go on sale.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Christina's brilliant bucket gardening method

My dear friend Christina came up with an amazing and brilliant new way to garden.  She had her husband cut the bottom out of a 5 gallon bucket.  They then dug a hole the exact size of the bucket deep enough to bury the bucket about 2/3rds of the way.  In other words the top 1/3 of the bucket was left sticking out of the ground.
After the bucket was buried in the ground they mixed up peat moss and potting soil and fertilizer and filled the bucket with the mix.  They then planed their vegetables and topped with mulch in hopes that it would help keep the soil moist.

Its easy to water, feed and weed the buckets of vegetables this way.  Just fill the bucket with water and it slowly drains into the ground.  Those are pepper plants Kaitlyn is watering.  I have never seen pepper plants that large.  The bucket by Sammy had a tomato plant in it but Bill had just pulled them up for the season.

Missionary update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: Sunday blog, July 22, 2012

Date: July 22, 2012 6:43:14 AM CDT


Last night’s crowd to watch the Jesus Film numbered over 1000 people!

But just as Jesus “calmed the storm”, we had a power failure with the equipment.

The word has been spread that the end of the film will be shown TONIGHT.
No new people came to church today, but Dale had a great time teaching with his “object lessons” to the 40+ adults and the 50 plus kids who were there.

I did not get to go this morning as 2 goats decided they needed my presence urgently.

Sad to say, but saved one and lost one.
One has simple diarrhea and should be fine. She’s a bit of a pig and likes to over eat.

The other ate some type of grass that didn’t agree with her and bits of corn which she found in the bush.

Whole kernel Corn can be very toxic to goats and it caused her to colic and bloat.

The pressure builds inside her body until her heart stops from the stress.

I spent 2 hours working with her to relieve the stomach blockage, but nothing worked.

We put her down to save her further suffering.

Very upsetting to all of our goat team, as she was carrying twins.

Blessings from Balama,

Bush Bunny Brenda and team

Missonary update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: Blog, Saturday, July 21, 2012

Date: July 21, 2012 2:21:15 AM CDT

Howdy All!

Our weeks are always full of challenges and this week God added a few unexpected blessings.

There is so much happening, that I’ve decided to split my blogs into a Saturaday report to tell you what’s happened during that week.

The Sunday blog will include what has happened after our Sunday bush meetings.


Carlitos Jorge, our youth pastor in Rovuma village (where our 70+ goats live), was asked to preach a funeral in a very remote village about 22km (11 miles) from his home. I can’t remember the name of the place, so will give that to you next week.

His words touched many hearts that day, causing a handful of people to ask him to come back and tell them more about this “Jesus”.

He came to me the following day, asking for a few liters of gasoline for his motorbike, so he could hold his first meeting with them. I loaded his bike with tracts and Bibles and off he went. SIXTEEN adults showed up to listen to him explain the gospel. All went away with a tract in their hands.

I’ll keep you updated as another “Adventure in the Bush” unveils.


Nelius Franken, a cattle and sheep rancher from the Cape Town area, drove in last night after crossing 150 km (75 miles) of raw bush to get to our mission station. Nelius is a man with a sincere heart for Jesus. He raises funds each year to purchase 1000’s of tracts and Bibles so that God’s written Word is available to the people of Mozambique. His well-equipped truck and trailer visits every remote mission station he can find, in order to gift missionaries with these materials in Portuguese and many tribal languages. Media for Missionaries and Missionary Fields is his ministry name.

We were super blessed by Nelius as this is his 2nd visit to our station in the last 2 years. The gifts he brought will bless many in our 14 Balama churches and 2 Meluco churches.


Dale Meindertsma, a Michigan missionary/evangelist, arrived on Wed. night for his 2nd visit to Balama.

He was amazed to see how fast our Hydrofrom brick houses can be built since the bricks are interlocking and need NO mortar!

Sort of like Man Sized Legos. Tee Hee.

In 2 days, our 18 man work team raised ALL THE WALLS of TWO HOUSES and the lunch room to the 5 ft. (1.5 m) level.

To build the walls, 5040 bricks were hauled to the site thanks to DAVID ABEL, his 6 man team, and our 6 ton truck.

David will be kept busy hauling many more bricks before he is done, as I expect these walls to be COMPLETED and these house ready for roofing by next Thursday (as Wed. is a public holiday).

The work does slow a might when they have to lift these 11lb. (5kg) bricks to the higher levels using scaffolding to reach the peaks of the houses.


Dale as well as our missionary team and Pastors will all be in Namara tonight to who the Jesus Film in the center of a large field.

Since the eastern USA is 6 hours BEHIND us, we know you will get this in plenty of time to pray for people’s eyes to be opened to the truth about Jesus Christ as watch the whole book of LUKE on film tonight.

Our showing starts at 12 noon EST in the USA. (6pm our time)

We plan a follow-up on Sunday morning by inviting all who want to know more to our “under the tree church”.

P.S. Our “Under the Tree” church was almost the SMASHED Tree church last week.

The man who lives in the house across the street from our church property decided to cut down this massive Baobab Tree that sat between his house and our property. The trunk is so huge, that 3 men must link arms to circle the trunk. Why did he want to cut it down? No one knows.

He miscalculated, and instead of falling towards our property, the tree fell straight onto his house!

Fortunately no one was inside the house as it was demolished.

I noticed him “peeking” over what is left of his bamboo fence last weekend to listen to our Bible lesson.

God has shown him a few things about “power”, so our prayer is that he will soon come to Jesus.


Bush Bunny Brenda and the Balama Team

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Homemade Pepperoni

In this recipe for homemade pepperoni you will have the option of making the pepperoni in one of two ways.

The first option is the traditional way to make homemade pepperoni. To make your homemade pepperoni in this fashion, follow the recipe below (except for the liquid smoke) and then stuff into hog casings. After you stuff the homemade pepperoni you will need to smoke and dry the pepperoni in your smoker.

The next way to make thishomemade pepperoni is the quick and easy recipe. In this method all you need to do is follow the recipe below, and then let the mixture rest in your fridge for 48-72 hours. After that you can form the homemade pepperoni into logs and bake in the oven at 200* for 8 hours.

Homemade Pepperoni Recipe

5 lb Fresh Ground Beef
3 tsp Liquid Smoke (Leave out if you’re going to smoke your pepperoni)
5 tsp Ground Black Pepper
5 tsp Mustard Seed
4 tsp Crushed Fennel
3 tsp Crushed Red Pepper
3 tsp Garlic Powder
2 tsp Paprika
2 tsp Sugar
5 tsp Morton’s Tender Quick

Combine all of the dry ingredients in a small bowl. Grind 5 pounds of fresh beef from chuck or round, or use 5 pounds of fresh ground beef from the store. Mix togetherthe beef and the dry ingredients and place the homemade pepperoni mixture in the fridge for 48-72 hours. After it has been in the fridge follow one of the methods above for making your homemade pepperoni.

I want to try this recipe.
  Recipe source : http://homemade-sausage.net/2011/05/homemade-pepperoni-recipe-homemade-pepperoni/

Missonary update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: Blog, July 15, 2012


Missions is spelled WORK and this week has been no exception.

With Eric in Pemba for 2 days with our outgoing visitors, the work load was non-stop for those of us at the base.

My big challenge on Monday was that the maize mill wore out the grinding shaft and parts are not available to buy.

Since we mill over 1.5 tons a week to feed 350+ orphans every Thursday, our corn had to be quickly taken to a public mill.

As Eric was preparing to leave for his Pemba trip at noon on Monday, his mechanical genius kicked in, providing a solution.

He took the worn out mill part to a marine machine shop at the port in Pemba where all the ships are repaired.

They hope to rebuild the part and have it for us this Wed. when Eric returns to Pemba to fetch Dale Meindertsma, arriving from Michigan.


We were notified on Thursday afternoon that a SECOND inspection team was in town to continue the inspections that team #1 didn’t finish.

This included us. Thursday night we went to war in the heavenlies with prayer, asking the Lord to divert these inspectors from Balama.

Stress#1: 6a.m. to 8a.m. found us in a “dusting and de=cobwebbing” frenzy in preparation for a “surprise” inspection.

We were told that after a “heated discussion” the inspectors decided to go elsewhere, omitting Balama from their list.

No doubts that there was divine intervention on this one! PHEW! Thank you Jesus!

Stress #2 My goat managers called at 6:30a.m. to tell me that a Spitting Cobra bit one of my mother goats while she slept in the barn Thursday night. The snake tract was very clear in the dirt but the culprit wasn’t found. After 2 days, she is looking healthy, although limping on 3 legs. All looks good for her survival. My pastors laid hands on her and prayed for her. God saves animals too!

Stress #3: Our Construction Manager came to Eric and I asking us to remove a drunk bricklayer’s assistant from our work site who refused to go home. This worker had hidden his drukenness at morning devotions, so none of my top staff realized he was drunk until the team started work. Dealing with a stubborn, violent drunk is never a pleasant ordeal. The village chief was present, so he was dismissed legally. After 20 minutes of listening to his crazy ravings while he slowly stripped off his uniform and threw it at us, he finally left and work continued. Life is never easy when dealing with the unsaved, no matter where you live.

Stress #4: At noon Friday, my favourite baby goat died very rapidly after licking a poisonous bug while out with the herd. (Human babies are not the only ones who put everything in their mouth.) These poisonous bugs are only found on the grass during the “morning dew” time and leave as soon as the grass dries up. Our herders only take the goats out after the grass is dry to avoid this risk.

No one can explain why this 1 bug didn’t hibernate once the grass dried up. This little female had a rough 3 weeks of life as her mother’s milk wasn’t enough to sustain her. I’d made several trips last weekend to give her additional milk formula via a syringe, as she wasn’t able to grasp a “human” baby bottle, which was all I had to feed her with. She had regained her strength this week as the mother’s milk had finally come through. This little one RAN beside her mother that morning as they left the corral (she was always carried before).

Curiosity and a freak incident caused her demise, making all of us very sad.

This has been my week and now I’m off to the Namara church in a few minutes.

Our internet keeps kicking me off and is non-existend in the afternoons, so I will send an additional blog on church happenings later today if possible.

Thank you for all your prayers and for sharing your love with our kids through your love gifts.

Blessings, BBB and the Balama team

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mollies graduation party

Today was Mollie's graduation party. The pastor and his family came to help us celebrate. He is taking the picture so he is not in this one. I will post more pictures as I get them loaded.

Mom and Dad and Mollie
 Joy, Mom, Mollie, Dad, and Hannah
Mollie and Bill (our pastor and friend)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Peachy Keen Bars

Peachy Keen Bars:


1pkg dry cake mix, yellow, or french vanilla

1/3 c butter room temperature

2 lg eggs ~ divided

... 29 oz can light peach slices, drained

8 oz cream cheese, room temperature

1/3 c sugar

1 tsp pure vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spray a 9x13” pan with nonstick cooking spray. In a large bowl combine cake mix, butter and 1 egg; mix with fork just until crumbly. Set aside 1 ½ c. crumbs for topping. Press the remaining crumbs on bottom of prepared pan; Bake 10 minutes. Cut peach slices into 1” pieces; Spoon onto partially-baked crust. In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar, 1 egg and vanilla extract; beat with mixer until creamy. Spread over top of peaches. Sprinkle with reserved crumbs; Bake 30 minutes. Chill at least 30 minutes before serving; Serves 12. Store leftovers in refrigerator.

recipe source: facebook

Homemade ice cream recipe


Printed from COOKS.COM

2 c. sugar

1/3 c. all-purpose flour

1 1/2 tsp. salt

9 c. cream

6 eggs
3 tbsp. vanilla extract

About 10-20 lbs. cracked ice

About 3 c. ice cream & cooling rock salt or 2 c. table salt
Early in day or up to 1 month ahead:

1. In heavy 3 quart saucepan with wire whisk, combine sugar, flour and salt. Beat in cream and eggs until well blended. Cook over medium low heat, stirring frequently, until mixture thickens and coats spoon, about 30 to 45 minutes. (Do not boil or mixture will curdle.) Cover surface with plastic wrap; cool completely, about 3 hours.

2. Pour cooled egg mixture, cream and vanilla into 5 or 6 quart ice cream freezer can. Place dasher in can; cover; place can in freezer bucket; attach motor or hand crank. Add 2 cups water to bucket.
3. Fill bucket half full with ice; sprinkle with 1/4 cup rock salt or 3 tablespoons table salt. Add about an inch of ice and 1/4 cup rock salt or 3 tablespoons table salt. Repeat layers of ice and salt until 1" below can lid. Freeze as manufacturer directs, adding more ice and salt as needed. Freezing takes about 35 minutes.
4. After freezing, ice cream will be soft. Remove motor or crank; wipe lid clean. Remove dasher; with spoon, pack down ice cream. Cover surface of ice cream with waxed paper. Replace lid and put cork in hole in center; add more ice and salt to cover lid. Let stand to harden, about 2 to 3 hours, adding ice as needed. Or, place container in home freezer for 2 to 3 hours. Makes about 3 1/2 quarts or 28 servings.
Strawberry Ice Cream: Prepare egg mixture as in Step 1 for Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream. While egg mixture is cooling, in medium bowl with potato masher or slotted spoon, crush 1 1/2 pints strawberries, hulled with 1 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons lemon juice; let stand about 1 hour.
In freezer can, as above, stir cooled mixture, heavy or whipping cream, vanilla, strawberries and 1/4 teaspoon red food color. Freeze and harden as above. Makes about 4 quarts or 32 servings.
Chocolate-Rich Ice Cream: Prepare egg mixture as in Step 1 for Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream except use 3 cups sugar. Remove egg mixture from heat; stir in 1 (8 oz.) package unsweetened chocolate squares until chocolate is melted.
In freezer can, as above, stir cooled egg mixture, heavy or whipping cream, and 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. Freeze and harden as above. Makes about 4 quarts or 32 servings.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Becky's real lemon lemonade recipe

Makes one pitcher

13 cups water

2 cups ReaLemon Lemon Juice from Concentrate

... 2 cups granulated sugar
Combine ingredients. Stir until sugar dissolves.
Serve over ice or with lemonade ice cubes.
stock photo-public domain

Hidden aspertame

A few of these surprised me.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I made a pattern and then sewed a blouse

Today I made a pattern for a peasant blouse using this tutorial.
Then I made two peasant tops.  I liked making my own pattern because I was able to add length to both the bottom and the sleeves.  I only put elastic in the neck area as I don't care for it on my sleeves.
Its kind of neat because there is no front or back so you can just throw it on.  You could put a bow or something on the front to dress it up if you wanted to.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


7 lbs. large cucumbers

1 cup lime

1 cup vinegar

Red food coloring

1 TBSP Alum

2 cups vinegar

10 cups sugar

8 cinnamon sticks

1 small package of Red Hots (Brach's Imperials are best)

Peel, seed, and slice cucumbers. Soak in 1 cup lime and 1 gallon water for 24 hours.Drain well and wash several times with clear water. Wash, soak, covered with ice water for 3 hours.Drain.

Mix 1 cup vinegar,

1 bottle red food coloring, i do not use food coloring so i will skip this

alum, and water to cover.

Pour over the cucumbers and simmer for 2 hours.Pour off.

Bring to a boil, 2 cups vinegar, 2 cups water, 10 cups sugar, cinnamon sticks, and red hots. Pour over cucumbers and let stand 24 hours. Pour off syrup and bring to a boil, pour over cucumbers in jars and seal.

I waterbath mine.This recipe is great for those big cucumbers that you can't do anything else with. They are pretty in rings, or they can be made into spears. I do mine in big crocks. I have been lucky to find old crocks around here at auctions. At Christmas, cut material into circles, pink the edges, put on jar with ring, tie ribbons on bottle.Makes nice gifts.

Isnt this a neat idea?

These would be great outdoor toys for the kids.  No worry if they loose them at the beach, other than littering of course.

Missionary update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: Blog July 8, 2012

Date: July 8, 2012 7:54:32 AM CDT

The President came and went last weekend in a flurry of helicopters and big meetings.

The 3 men on the team, DON, DAVID, and BRYCE together with Eric’s guidance, made 4000 bricks for our housing project this week with our hydraulic brick press.
KAYLAN VOLLMERING made the most of her last week with us by loving on the children, visiting all our orphan homes, and treating the sick who came to our door. We wish her well as she continues her nursing studies at Concordia University in Austin, TX.
LEONA PHILLIPS flew to South Africa to obtain her residency visa. She will become the newest member of our Balama staff when she returns later this month. I PRAISE THE LORD for Leona as she has worked hard to help with all our programs. I look forward to helping her learn the “rest of the program” once she returns. She is giving a “year of her life” at the moment and will see how God leads her after that.
Don and Bryce will leave tomorrow afternoon for Pemba along with David and Eric for a short snorkel adventure in the Indian ocean before they fly to the USA on Wed. We thank them both for all the wonderful help they gave us with the food buying, construction hauling, and brick making.

David will stay on to give me a hand as “hauler of many things” and all around helper until July 28th.
The Aguas Vivas National Leader, Bishop Chambera, arrived from the home office in TETE Province (near Malawi lake) last Friday for a 4 day visit that is keeping all of us hopping.

He and I taught together at 2 churches in Balama today, and he will be meeting with our entire Pastoral staff tomorrow.

All these visitors are keeping this Bunny and her team hopping at full speed!


After several X-rays, it was found that NO METAL exists in Veronica’s leg. No operation needed!

No one can explain this, and the Doctors in Pemba think she misunderstood the surgeon in Nampula 2 years ago about having put metal to hold her bones together. Since she has no post-op X-rays, she has no proof.

NO MATTER as she is happily back in her home village.

She walked to church this morning with a slight limp, but is doing very well after multiple x-rays could find NO PLATE OR SCREWS in her leg.

Her instructions are to exercise and gain strength.

PRAISE THE LORD for His healing power!

We thank all of you for your prayers for her fast healing.

NONE OF US expected the metal to “disappear”.

That’s our Jesus! Always doing the unexpected.


DALE MEINDERTSMA, from Michigan, will arrive in Pemba on July 18th for a 10 day evangelistic outreach to all corners of our Balama county.

A Jesus Film Showing in Namara village, and many training sessions for our pastors and students in our 3 Bush Bible Schools with be the main emphasis of this outreach.
So stay tuned for further “Bush Bunny Blogs”, as we expect the Lord to move in a mighty wave through the Holy Spirit during these next few weeks, as our evangelism team prays for the multitudes to receive Jesus as the hear GOD’S TRUTH for the first time.

Bush Bunny Brenda and the Balama Team

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Marigold Healing Salve

1 cup of crisco

1 cup of Marigold flower petals

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

... Small jar (I get one at family dollar with hinge lid less than a $1 ( I save all my glass jars so I wont be needing to buy one)
Melt crisco on stove just warm enough to melt it. Pour in petals remove from heat and let them steep. Place back on stove on high heat and bruise the petals will start turning a yellow color. Add cayenne pepper and remove from heat. Strain through cheese cloth or old t shirt into jar. Good for bites, stings, burns, cuts and scrapes. Will remove infection. Starts healing quickly. Most people that have used it swear by it.
I saw this on facebook, I have not tried it but wanted to save it for reference.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another cute Kastyn picture

Kastyn is almost 7 months old now, she is sure a cutie.  I am so glad her mom takes lots of pictures and sends them to me or posts them on facebook.  I wish my other daughter would do that, hint hint.
She took the hint,  yeah.  Here are my other two beautiful granddaughters.  Dana and Shelby.

Crunch stitch pot holder

•Two balls Lily Sugar 'n; Cream, or other 100% cotton yarn (approx. 2.5 oz./ 120 yds per ball); 2 balls Hot Green (MC), one ball Lime Stripes (CC)

•Size G crochet hook

•Yarn needle

Gauge: 15 st and 16 rows in pattern stitch = 4 in. x 4 in.
Stitches used: Ch, sc, sl st, hdc.
Finished measurements: Approx. 9 in. x 9 in.

Potholder Panel (Make 2):
1.With MC, Ch 31
2.Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, *hdc, sl st across, with sc in last st. 30 st.
3.Row 2: Turn. Ch 1, sc in sc, *hdc in sl st, sl st in hdc, with sc in last sc.
4.Rep row 2 for a total of 28 rows, or until piece measures approx. 6 ½ in. from beg.
5.Fasten off.

1.Row 1: Crochet two panels together evenly with a row of sc, working 3 sc in same st at corners. Join to beg sc. Switch to CC.
2.Row 2: *Sc, ch 3, sk 2 sc, sl st in next sc* around. Join w sl st to first st.
3.Row 3: *4 sc in ch-3 sp, sl st in sl st* around. Join w sl st to first st.
4.Row 4: *Ch 4, sk sc and sl st in sl st* around. Join w sl st to first st. Fasten off and weave in all loose ends. Yum!

source:  http://www.favecrafts.com/Kitchen-Crochet/Crunch-Stitch-Potholder/ml/1

Bloomin flowers dish cloth

•Lily® Sugar‘n Cream® (Solids: 70.9 g/2.5 oz; 109 m/120 yds; Ombres: 56.7 g/2 oz; 86 m/95 yds) (Note: 1 ball of MC and A will make 2 Dishcloths.)

•Version I: Main Color (MC) (01740 Hot Pink) 1 ball, Contrast A (00010 Yellow) 1 ball

•Version II: Main Color (MC) (01742 Hot Blue) 1 ball, Contrast A (00010 Yellow) 1 ball

•Version III: Main Color (MC) (02739 Over the Rainbow) 1 ball, Contrast A (00010 Yellow) 1 ball

Size 5 mm (U.S. H or 8) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge.

GAUGE: 13 sc and 14 rows = 4" [10 cm].
1.With A, ch 4. Join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.

2.1st rnd: Ch 1. 8 sc in ring. Join with sl st to first sc.

3.2nd rnd: Ch 1. Working in back loops only, 2 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc. 16 sc.

4.3rd rnd: Ch 1. Working in back loops only, 1 sc in first sc. Ch 1. (1 sc in next sc. Ch 1) 15 times. Join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.

5.4th rnd: Join MC with sl st to any sc. Ch 3 (counts as dc). Working in both loops, (1 dc. Ch 2. 2 dc) in same sc as last sl st. Miss next ch-1 sp. 1 dc in next sc. Miss next ch-1 sp. *(2 dc. Ch 2. 2 dc) in next sc. Miss next ch-1 sp. 1 dc in next sc. Miss next ch-1 sp. Rep from * 6 times more. Join with sl st to top of ch 3.

6.5th rnd: Sl st in next dc and ch-2 sp. Ch 3 (counts as dc). (2 dc. Ch 2. 3 dc) in same sp as last sl st. Ch 1. Miss next 2 dc. Dcfp in next dc. Ch 1. Miss next 2 dc. *(3 dc. Ch 2. 3 dc) in next ch-2 sp. Ch 1. Miss next 2 dc. Dcfp in next dc. Ch 1. Miss next 2 dc. Rep from * 6 times more. Join with sl st to top of ch 3.

7.6th rnd: Sl st in next dc. Ch 3 (counts as dc). 1 dc in next dc. (2 dc. Ch 2. 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp. 1 dc in each of next 2 dc. Ch 1. Miss next dc and ch-1 sp. Dcfp in next dc. Ch 1. Miss next ch-1 sp and dc. *1 dc in each of next 2 dc. (2 dc. Ch 2. 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp. 1 dc in each of next 2 dc. Ch 1. Miss next dc and ch-1 sp. Dcfp in next dc. Ch 1. Miss next ch-1 sp and dc. Rep from * 6 times more. Join with sl st to top of ch 3.

8.7th rnd: Sl st in next dc. Ch 3 (counts as dc). 1 dc in each of next 2 dc. 5 dc in next ch-2 sp. 1 dc in each of next 3 dc. Ch 1. Miss next dc and ch-1 sp. Dcfp in next dc. Ch 1. Miss next ch-1 sp and dc. *1 dc in each of next 3 dc. 5 dc in next ch-2 sp. 1 dc in each of next 3 dc. Ch 1. Miss next dc and ch-1 sp. Dcfp in next dc. Ch 1. Miss next ch-1 sp and dc. Rep from * 6 times more. Join with sl st to top of ch 3. Fasten off.

source: http://www.favecrafts.com/Kitchen-Crochet/Blooming-Flower-Dish-Cloths-from-Lily-Sugar-n-Cream/ml/1

Catch a wave dishcloth


•Lily® Sugar’n Cream® (70.9 g/2.5 oz; 109 m/120 yds)

•Contrast A 01628 (Hot Orange) 1 ball

•Contrast B 01699 (Tangerine) 1 ball


•Contrast A 01742 (Hot Blue) 1 ball

•Contrast B 01215 (Robin’s Egg) 1 ball


•Contrast A 01712 (Hot Green) 1 ball

•Contrast B 01223 (Mod Green) 1 ball


•Note: 1 ball each of Contrast A and B will make approx 4 dishcloths.

•Size 5 mm (U.S. H or 8) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge.

•GAUGE: 13 sc and 14 rows = 4” [10 cm].


1.With A, ch 26.

2.1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 1 sc in next ch. 1 hdc in next ch. 1 dc in each of next 3 ch. 1 hdc in next ch. *1 sc in each of next 3 ch. 1 hdc in next ch. 1 dc in each of next 3 ch. 1 hdc in next ch. Rep from * to last 2 ch. 1 sc in each of last 2 ch. Turn.

3.2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each st to end of row, joining B in last st. Turn.

4.3rd row: With B, ch 3 (counts as dc). 1 dc in next sc. 1 hdc in next sc. 1 sc in each of next 3 sc. *1 hdc in next sc. 1 dc in each of next 3 dc. 1 hdc in next dc. 1 sc in each of next 3 sc. Rep from * to last 3 sc. 1 hdc in next sc. 1 dc in each of last 2 sc. Turn.

5.4th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each st to end of row, joining A in last st. Turn.

6.5th row: With A, ch 1. 1 sc in each of first 2 sc. 1 hdc in next sc. 1 dc in each of next 3 sc. 1 hdc in next sc. *1 sc in each of next 3 sc. 1 hdc in next sc. 1 dc in each of next 3 sc. 1 hdc in next sc. Rep from * to last 2 sc. 1 sc in each of last 2 sc. Turn.

7.Last 4 rows form pat. Cont in pat until work from beg measures approx 8” [20.5 cm], ending with a WS row. Fasten off.

source: http://www.favecrafts.com/Kitchen-Crochet/Catch-a-Wave-Dishcloth-from-Lily-Sugar-n-Cream/ml/1
I want to try this pattern.

Our current RV set up

Currently we have a 5th wheel, a FEMA camper, a storage trailer, 3 cars and 2 pick ups.  We are able to wash clothes outside and hang them on an umbrella clothes line.  They also allow us to have a garden.  I think we have been blessed to have been allowed this set up. 
In the top picture you can see just the front part of the 5th wheel.  In the bottom picture you can see the edge of the garden, the FEMA camper, the storage trailer, the washer and the clothes line.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Home Canned Coleslaw

1 medium head cabbage

1 large carrot

1 green pepper

1 small onion

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup vinegar

1/4 cup water

2 cups sugar (we used ¾ cup for better results)

1 teaspoon celery seeds (we liked less seeds use ¼ tsp)

1 teaspoon mustard seeds (we liked less seeds use ¼ tsp)

Shred together vegetables. Add the salt.

Let stand 1 hour. Drain

water from vegetables.

Boil syrup ingredients together for 1 minute, cool.

Add syrup to vegetables.

Pack into quart jars andprocess in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, or put into freezer

containers and freeze.
Leftovers may be frozen. This slaw may be drained before use and mayonnaise added, or used as is.

Dede’s notes:
4/19/08 used 6 one pound bags of coleslaw mix with carrots. Added one large red bell pepper, diced, and one medium sweet onion, diced. Triple the syrup, but double may have been enough. Got 9 pints

source:  http://survivalkitchen.blogspot.com/2008/10/canning-coleslaw.html

Kastyn says happy 4th of July

Isn't she a cutie?  Why yes she is.

Zucchini Jam

~picture from recipe source~
6 cups peeled, shredded, zucchini

6 cups sugar

1 ( 16 oz. ) can crushed pineapple, undrained

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 (6 oz) box peach gelatin
Peel zucchini and remove seeds and shred. In a large stock pot , add the shredded zucchini.
Cook on low heat; til zucchini comes to a boil; stirring often.

It should take 20 minutes for the zucchini to come to a boil.

Continue boiling over low heat; for 10 minutes; keep stirring.
Add the lemon juice, sugar, and pineapple. Cook over medium heat; stirring constantly for 10 minutes more.
Remove pan from heat. Add the box of gelatin; stir for 1 minute.
Ladle jam into sterilized jars, and put in a boiling water bath to seal.

source; http://www.thefamilyhomestead.com/zucchinijam.htm

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

USA Spider Chart

I am always wondering what kind of spider I have seen, this will help.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Missonary Update

From: "Brenda Lange"

Subject: BLOG, July 1, 2012

Date: June 30, 2012 10:14:43 PM CDT


After 6 days of prayer for favour, and many hours of hard work by our while team, the regional inspector came to “pre-inspect” us last Tuesday.

Three hours later, after seeing all we had done and checking our paperwork thoroughly, he gave us 4 items we needed to correct, but DID NOT levy a fine!

He told us to work quickly to correct these 4 areas by Monday, July 2nd, and that he would tell the main inspector group that we were in compliance.

Three were administration corrections on paperwork, and the 4th was to put smooth cement plaster on the walls of our corn grinding mill and paint it.

All these items were corrected by Friday as our team of bricklayers worked long hours to complete the cement work. Painting will begin this week.

On Thursday, we got the call that the inspectors accepted his report and would not be coming to Balama at all!

All of us were so relieved!

THANK YOU ALL for your prayers for favour, as God gave us more than we expected. I never dreamed we would be exempted!

We serve a BIG GOD who can move mountains! We are so happy he moved this one.


Veronica, the woman who could not walk after breaking both ankles when she fell into a 30 foot traditional water well, has developed a problem.

We took her by car to the Regional hospital last Tuesday for an X-ray as the metal plate and screws put into her ankles to help them heal have come loose!

She was transferred to the Pemba hospital yesterday as she will need surgery to remove them.

Her sister is with her and a neighbour is watching her daughter till she can return home.

O.U. is providing the funding for this, as this woman has no money for food, much less an operation.

We’ll keep you posted on how things develop.


The President of Mozambique flies into Balama today by helicopter and will be in town for 2 days. Over 50,000 people are expected to fill the streets this morning. All churches were asked to have their services at 6a.m. today so that all citizens can be in the streets to greet him by 8 a.m.

Church services will resume normal activities next week.

Our team will be serving at the Balama church, since the large crowds makes it impossible to even drive through the streets.

Love and Hugs,

Bush Bunny Brenda and the Balama Team