Saturday, April 11, 2020

Seeds are unnecessary?

I saw that some states are roping off what they deem as nonessential items. Clothes, boots and seeds and plants.

They say if you want to control the people, control the food.  We all need to plant a victory garden, even if it’s just a pot of lettuce by a window.  Take some control of you life.  We love to garden and can so life is as usual for us.  I do hope that if I can’t get my tomatoes to do well that I can buy starts. One year I kept dividing my tomatoes until I had almost a hundred plants. It was a good harvest that year.  I hope we have a good harvest again this year.

Are you planting a garden this year?

Take care.
Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I planted a few little things last month and Saturday put out potatoes and onion sets and sugar snap peas. I was fortunate to have bought seeds long before this started, but our State has not done that, yet. I think that is awful. It was so nice to hear from you!
