Yesterday and today I have been making pear honey. Its quite delicious and easy. It just takes a long time. I canned 8 pints this morning with my steam canner from back to basics. You can see it here.
The steam canner is so easy to use. It takes just 6-7 cups of water. It is much lighter than a water bath canner and it can be used over and over without waiting for all that water to boil.
By the way, I learned about the steam canner from Paul and Bernice Noll's canning web site last year and have been using mine for two years. Remember it does not replace a pressure canner only a water bath canner. The Noll's web site is listed on my right sidebar.
I have enjoyed looking around your blog. I surfed onto your site from another blog, sorry I'm not sure which one. I was wondering if the steam canning could be done with another kind of pot or would it only work with the canner you mentioned?