Sunday, January 10, 2010

Minimal Morality


  1. This is interesting , I had some people approach me with this attitude , not because I was asking whats wrong to test limits so much as trying to understand.

    I ask question because I want to understand , not just follow blindly , I want to understand HOW 1+1 = 2 , not Just that 1+1 IS 2 , but to understand why. I think thats its easier to tell people off than answer them sometimes.

    That is sad. Sometimes I just want understand WHY of things , or the how of things , and the basis for things , I dont know , its just hard for me to understand someone who would rather turn people away rather than educate them.

    The little children came to jesus and they asked over and over why , what , and how , and jesus was joyful to try and answer their eager , seeking questions.

    Then he told us to be more like them , unashamedly curious and seeking.

    Defining someone as having minimal morality because they ask id somewhat presumptive , but I may be wrong , I am just a baby seeking the lords spirtual milk , and people with this abrupt un - answering attitude have knocked me off the path to christianity in the past. I dont know its seems a bit of a mixed signal -in my personal opinion -
    if you understand and know better please do tell me. I seek the lord , and to understand him when I ask , not to measure boundries of some sort.

    I hope that makes sense

  2. Happy,
    Sometimes you just have to take the Bible on faith if you dont understand it. Understanding doesnt come all at the same time. It comes in bits and pieces, when you are ready to hear it. At the same time if you are going to put your trust in God then you have to make a decesion and not ride the fence. This video is talking about people who say they have chosen God but at the same time want to be worldly. If you sit on the fence you have already made a choice.

  3. Besides, why would you want to live and do things that your morality should be telling you are wrong, if you love God? If you love your husband you dont do things that offend him do you? Hopefully not. So it follows that if you love God you would not want to do things that you should know in your heart are wrong? Sometimes when we ask why not we are saying we want to.

  4. See I guess to put in a way , I feel nothing morally wrong. But people see fault in me , they exhibit unhappiness at things I do , but then in a passive agressive aversion to confrontation wont tell me what it is that I am doing wrong , of understanding etc. They seem to go totally against the gut feelings I get from god. Maybe that is what makes me question it even more.

    I am about as far from worldy you can get in todays due to my isolation. But is it questioning that is worldly? Paul said ask , jesus said to ask , eveyrone seems so enlightened but then cant exsplain why , but when I am enlightened they say its nonsense , god wouldnt want it seen that way . *sighs* I just keep trying.

  5. Happy, I applaud you for keeping on trying. I dont understand not seeing anything as morally wrong. Do you see anything wrong with murder? Or theft?
    I wonder how someone can not see anything as morally wrong. Thank you for commenting again.

  6. That should have been I see nothing that I personally am doing as morally wrong. Others do. But they seem not to want to tell me what it is.

    I know things that ARE morally wrong , what I am saying is I do not FEEL anything morally wrong with what I do in MY life when people see it otherwise.

  7. Happy, Who are these people who exhibit the passive/aggressive aversion to what you are doing?

    Have you been praying asking God to show you areas of your life he wants you to change?

  8. Thats the point , they wont tell me what it is that I am doing wrong. I ask , they just get angry. Saying I know what I am doing. Which just leaves me frustrated.

    "They" is a group of ladies who want me to go to church with them.

    My husband won't let me.

    So they now avoid even emailing with me till I "deal with my own lack of morality". Which I don't get because I do nothing immoral.

    Its a hurtful thing to be sure.

  9. Happy, I see you brought this conversation over to your blog. That is a good idea as you have a larger reader base than I do. You will be able to get more insite and also the type of answers you want and need. Since you are discussing it on your blog I will consider the discussion closed on this blog.
    Thank you for asking of me.
