This morning I made two loaves of banana bread and I added a pint of apricot nectar that didn't seal from the other day. They are in the oven now.
While they are baking I am mixing up some wheat bread to make into rolls for sandwiches. For some reason we like rolls better than sliced home made bread for sandwiches. I just have to make sure not to make them too big or its too much bread. I try to make them kinda like submarine buns.
This afternoon I plan to start a batch of yogurt in my crock pot.
I used the banana peels from making banana bread to make fly traps. I will set these in the garage on the bench and when Jeff has time he will hang them around the yard.
I just LOVE banana bread. It reminds me of my mom! :> )
You use a Crock Pot to make yogurt? How?