Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The kids are comming.

Kaleena and Justin are coming to visit today. Justin has a doctors appointment and then they will hit the road. He will be doped up for some reason so Kaleena will have to drive most of the way. Please pray for their traveling safety.

Joy and Mollie are washing sheets and cleaning the bathrooms in preparation of our company.
I decanted two bottles of home made vanilla. It sure is pretty. I put the vanilla beans on a tray and when they dry I will but them in a gallon jar I have sugar and some other vanilla bean in. It then makes vanilla sugar. Vanilla sugar is wonderful in cookies or tea.

Brother Lyndal Arnall is in surgery now. He is one of Joy's teachers from Bible college who was in California and got sick and they found out he has a pancreatic tumor and some spreading. He is her prophesy teacher. He was in California teaching a class on prophesy when he got very sick. Please join me in prayer for this Godly man.

Mollie and Hannah have another car wash today. This one is here in town so that's good. They are trying to make as much money as possible for church camp. Mollie has already made her half and has started working on mom and dad's half. Isn't that great? I am very happy that they don't have the attitude that they have their part paid for so who cares about mom and dad.

I found a couple of good coupons today at Money Saving Mom's you might want to check out. Its on my sidebar. Both of them were the kind you can print as many as you want. Be sure to set your printer for black and white fast print so you don't waste too much ink. One of the coupons was for $1.00 off a smoothie or frappe and the other is for $1.00 off any Blue Bunny Novelty Carton (excludes single-serve). I have never had a smoothie from McDonald's so now I will have to try one.

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