For starters, choose a fabric and cut it into a rectangle. Cut it as long as you want your bookmark and twice as wide as you want it to end up being, plus a little extra to allow for the seam. Also, cut a piece of stiff fusible interfacing the size you want your bookmark.
Next, fold the fabric in half lengthwise, with right sides together. Sew along one short side and the open long side. Leave one short end open.
Step 3 is to flip the fabric right side out and insert that piece of interfacing inside. Tuck the raw edges of the open short end inside and sew that end closed. You can also top-stitch along all 4 sides for a more finished look.
Now, on to the fabric flower. Cut a long strip of fabric @1" wide. With a hot glue gun handy, roll and wrap your fabric so the printed side is always showing. Hot glue as you go to hold everything in place. Glue onto the top end of your bookmark.
I love the end result. See how that purty flower peeks out from the top of your book?
source: http://quiverfullofblessings.com/2011/10/03/fabric-flower-bookmarks/
I love all these small ideas! What lovely gifts!