Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday update

Mr. Olson went to Enid for a job interview yesterday. The head hunter had misrepresented the position as an engineering position when in fact it was a tech position. Even after the interview when Mr. Olson tried to explain it to the head hunter he insisted it was an engineering position. He may be from the camp where everybody is an engineer, like I am a domestic engineer. The trash man is a refuse engineer and so on. Anyway the plant, even the offices were covered in the black dust that is a by product of their plant. Mr. Olson came out of the interview with a dirty face and black hands. He said he could feel it in his lungs.

Next week he interviews in Oklahoma City and just before he went to the interview yesterday a company from Bakersfield, California called him. I would rater not move to California.

I made some good purchases at Walgreen's yesterday and the day before. I bought the soft soap shower gel for 3.99 and got a 4.00 RR. I then bought some Huggies wipes priced at 2.79, there was a coupon booklet at the front of the store with a coupon for 2.00 off. So they were .79 plus tax. I also bought some cream for cracked heels that was 5.99 each. I used the RR from the soft soap to pay for the cream.

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