Tuesday, April 5, 2011


  • Yesterday was busy doing laundry. We had lots because we went to the beach over the weekend, so we had towels, and sand and such.

  • We were also busy trying to change tags, license's, and such like that.

  • Today we are hoping to complete the moving changes. Some are much easier than others.

  • I think we are going to enjoy living in this new (to us) RV park. As I sit at my desk my view is a field of at least a quarter mile before the next house. I cant even see it clearly because of the trees.

  • Monday we planted 4 tomato plants in buckets and 3 buckets of cucumbers. Pretty much anywhere we found a pole we placed a bucket planter by it.

  • I am going to ask permission to plant some morning glories in the ground by the antenna pole.

  • I have been saving 2 litre bottles to make some planters from to hand outside somewhere for lettuce, basil, spinach and the like.

  • I sure wish I knew how to make the paragraphs work again so I wont always have to use these bullet things.

  • Mollie and Hannah took the pick up to wash and they washed out the bed as well. They laid the hitch to the side and forgot it. When they went back an hour or so later it was gone. Shucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beach! Oh man, I am super jealous! So happy you guys are enjoying your new home!