Friday, July 15, 2011

Washable sandwich and snack bags

My husband likes these better than plastic bags because then he says his sandwiches don't get soggy. He wraps his sandwich in a paper towel and then slips it into the bag. When he eats lunch he uses the paper towel for a napkin.

These are the reusable, washable sandwich and snack bags I have been making today. Once I got the right ends on my snap thing, it worked very good. Last night I kept messing up the snaps so I just tried again today and finally figured out that I had the wrong ends on the pliers thing and then wowie zowie it worked like a whiz bang.

This one is a twin bag to take two kinds of snack.


Yolanda said...

So nice! I have one question... when you snap the snaps, doesn't that squish the contents?

debbieo said...

If you pushed straight down on them they would squish the contents but they are easy to grab some of the fabric and hold it that way to snap. I make another kind too that has a flap.