Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Joy's story Part 2

·         As trade in Amia grew due to the surplus of natural supplies and the development of

specialized labor, more and more people were drawn to the society. Instead of heading home

once the trade was made, many people began to settle in Amia. Through inter-marriages the

population began to grow and the Council decided to form a military force. Once the military

was properly established the Head of the Council, Mother Lea at that time, had a vision from the

Guardian Spirit. In her vision, the Guardian Spirit told Mother Lea that Amia could no longer

stay at peace with the neighboring societies. It was time for Amia to become the leader. After

Mother Lea told her vision to the Council, the decision was made to begin to expand Amia. The

Amian military, led by Mother Lea’s daughter Kona, a brilliant warrior and leader, began to

invade to the North first. The campaign lasted for 7 long years, until they reached the North Sea.

Once they had successfully brought the people under their rule, the Amian army began to look

towards the East. General Kona conquered the land to the East as far as the Dnieper River and

South to the Black Sea bringing most of Continental Europe under the control of Amia.

The Council then decided to establish an official capital for the Amia Empire. Located

just north of modern-day Warsaw, Poland they founded Alessa which means Protector of

Humanity. The entire Council moved to Alessa and began to run the Amian Empire from there.

The Council appointed delegates who were faithful to Amia and its interests to serve as

representatives in the newly conquered lands. The Amians sought to bring in the people of other

lands by incorporating their culture into their own. Instead of presiding over the people like a

harsh dictator, the Council and its Head decide to allow the conquered people to continue with

their traditions, but they instituted a universal tax in order to fund their military. The tax

collection was overseen by the appointed delegates. The Council also sought to institute

universal laws that were used to draw the several different people groups into the Amian Empire

without forcing them to give up their cultures. Doing this served to unify the various lands of

Amia in to one powerful Empire.

As the Amian Empire grew and adjusted to its expanding boarders, daily life in Amia also

changed. Natural hierarchies developed into three groups. The aristocrats, working class, and the

indentured servants. The aristocrats, who consisted of wealthy business owners, leaders of

government, and the religious leaders, were at the top of the Amian hierarchy. Next, were shop

owners, skilled labors, and the everyday working man. The lowest group were the indentured

·         servants. The Council of Amia had outlawed slavery, but if a person could not pay what was

owed, they could become a servant in lieu of payment. The length of servitude was agreed upon

between the two parties and was witnessed by a member of government. Once the agreed upon

years have been served, the person was then free to leave and pursue their own life once again.

However, because they were servant, they fell into the lowest group along with beggars and the


With the incorporation of new peoples and cultures came the expansion of trade

throughout the Amian Empire. Iron metallurgy was one of the first new developments to Amian

society. Taught to locals by traveling merchants, Amians became skilled laborers and

blacksmiths. Blacksmiths were able to supply the army with weapons and armor as well as create

sound structures that lasted longer than the previously used wood. Laborers became skilled

craftsmen and began to craft supplies solely for trade. The need for artisans also developed and

with the incorporation of foreign peoples the craft grew into a thriving career. Long before Amia

began conquering other people they had a surplus of supplies. As the people became skilled they

began building and crafting not out of necessity, but as trade. Their crafts became businesses, and

their businesses, enterprises. The Council quickly developed extensive trade routes through all of

the empire. From the North Sea to the Dnieper River and south to the Black Sea. Developing

these trade routes was crucial for the continual growth and expansion of the Amian Empire. The

Council also established cities along the trade routes to encourage economic growth and

strengthen trade


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