Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Life changes

This is only May but already our lives have changed so much.  Jeff had the automobile wreck on the 25th of January which was the biggest change in our life.  We are thankful that he is now mobile and can walk with a cane.  He is even able to do a little outside work for a short period each day.  It pretty much wrecks him for the rest of the day but as opposed to being bed ridden we are genuinely thankful.  He did get put on long term disability so that means our income has been drastically cut.  Its something we have to learn to live with.  His retirement was only two years away so we had been planning for that somewhat.

The other big change is that Hannah is formally moving out and will have a different address for the first time.  Its been unusual for me because I have had a child at home for the last 39 years almost 40.  Good grief.  That's a long time.  That's two thirds of my life.  I was either a child growing up or briefly a young married woman for the first third of my life.  When I put it like that it seems incredible.  I wish Hannah great success and I know she will do fine just like the other four daughters are doing.  I raised them well if I do say so myself.

We suddenly realized the other day that we don't have to stay home all the time and that we can actually travel as much as Jeff's health allow.  That was a stunner.  We are so used to me doing the majority of the traveling and Jeff working that it was a surprise to realize we can both go places.  Now we just have to do it.  

Another change for me is I've learned to set my alarm if I am watering or need to go somewhere at a certain time.  I even set my alarm so I remember to read the Bible with Jeff each evening.  That's terrible that I would forget that.  But I guess a person learn to compensate.

I have been enjoying selling Tupperware and I love their products.  I have found out being a Tupperware Lady that pretty much everything goes on sale at some point.  And they do have real good sales.  If you would like to shop on my website just go to :  DebbieKOlson.my.tupperware.com or click on the link to the right of the screen.  It will take you right to my webpage.

I hope each of you has a great day and week and that God puts his hand on you and keeps you safe and healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wohh exactly what I was looking for, appreciate
it for putting up.