Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Altered neckline t-shirt

I am not fond of the neckline on t-shirts.  It feels too close to me.  I am one who doesn't care to have fabric or even necklaces up close around my neck.  So t-shirts make me feel uncomfortable.  I decided to alter the neckline in an old t-shirt.  I figured I didn't have anything to lose since I don't like to wear it the way it was made anyway.

First I cut the neck close to the stitching.  Then I folded the fabric over and pinned it.  Next I used a long straight stitch to hold it down.  This is all that needs to be done and I did that on two t-shirts.  This morning I decided to go one step further.  I added lace.  Again thinking no harm no foul.  If I didn't like it I would only be out the lace since I didn't wear this t-shirt because of the neck.  Soooo, I added lace.  I used a three step zig zag and went slowly so the lace laid down just right.  I paid attention to how far away the lace was from the edge as well.

This is how it turned out.  I really like it.

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