Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well Fiddle

I had hopes that a young couple who looked at our house would make an offer. They did but it is so low that its less than we owe. I am trying not to get discouraged.

On a lighter note, we are getting ready to head to Tulsa for the Easter holiday. Kaleena and Justin are coming for the weekend. I'm sure there will be much talk about the wedding. It makes me somewhat nervous, because I feel like I cant do as much for her as she would like.

After Easter, I will use the time to pare down our possessions drastically. I know the girls are not going to like cutting back so much, but I just feel like this is something we are suppose to do. Mr. Olson feels the same way. Maybe we can have a big sale and actually make some money from our extra stuff. That would be neat.

1 comment:

UKnowWho said...

Ummm yea we r not gonna like it. like how drastic r ya talking? everything?