Saturday, February 7, 2009


I bought most of the groceries I need for this week. The milk was so high at Wal-Mart I only bought one gallon. I will get another two gallons Monday at Walgreen's when I get Hannah.
Spinach 1.88
1-gal milk 2% 3.18
2-bags tortilla mix 2.78 each (it wasn't any cheaper to buy the 25# so I just bought 2 5# bags)
2# Monterrey Jack cheese 7.38
2-cream cheese 1.27 each
total spent 20.54
I didn't get any jar lids because they were clear across the store and I didn't want to walk all the way over there. LAZY.
total spent this year 385.69
total saved this year 130.06 (I need to remember this is not accurate because I did not start this til part way through January.)

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