Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Elijah

Mollie and I made the long (13hour) trip to Houston to see baby Elijah on Wednesday. The trip was long but uneventful.

We met little Elijah as soon as we arrived. He is a sweet little baby. He isn't fussy and only cries when he is hungry. That is a huge blessing as there are babies who fuss and cry and you cant figure out what is wrong.

He is so tiny though. When he was born he weighed 6 lbs. which isn't all that tiny but when you haven't held a newborn in a while it sure seems tiny.
Christina is still having some problems with her hips, we are hoping they return to their places soon so she can get past that pain.

We are trying to be helpful while we are here. I am glad we are close friends with Bill and Christina, because it makes it easier to just get in there and do things.

I will try to take some pictures of Elijah today so I can post them and you all can see how beautiful he is.

1 comment:

Yolanda said...

How wonderful! Yes, a 6 pound baby is very small! Have a nice visit and a safe trip home!