Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Homemade tortillas

I am getting better at making homemade tortillas. They are getting to be more round and look a little more like they are suppose to. They have always tasted good, just looked like some weird abstract thing. My friend Rosemary told me about the tortilla flour she uses. Its at Wal-Mart in the Mexican food section. It already has everything but water in it. Its in a green bag and its called flour tortilla mix by great value. Its a bit more than regular flour but its way less than buying tortillas. You can make as many or as few as you want. They taste so much better than store bought and are so much cheaper I am going to try not to buy them anymore.
Every time I learn to make something else from scratch it makes me happy. I know what is in it and I know there are no preservatives. I am a simple woman and strange things make me happy. Oh well.

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