Saturday, October 1, 2011

Herbs to use on vegetables

Vegetables & Herbs

Sweet Potatoes - nutmeg or cinnamon

Potatoes -garlic and basil, mint and sage

Squash (orange) -thyme, basil and rosemary

Squash (yellow) -basil, parsley and oregano

Cabbage -cilantro and cumin

Carrots -cumin, sage, ginger

Corn -marjoram or sage, dill seed & thyme, basil and rosemary

Broccoli -basil and oregano (with tomatoes)

Peas -thyme

Beans -oregano and basil, onion and garlic (add chopped nuts)

Egg Plant -Basil and parsley

Leeks -Garlic and ginger

Asparagus -Tarragon, basil (add tomatoes and cheese)

Brussel Sprouts -Parsley and Garlic (add walnuts, orange zest with sweet peppers)

Beets -ginger and cinnamon (add lemon juice to retain color)

Spinach -Basil and garlic, Dill and lemon

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