Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What occupy wall street wants

I am sure you have heard of the occupy wall street movement. Do you wonder what its all about? Here is a list of their demands.

Posted 3 weeks ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 11:21 p.m. EST by bchang1987
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. Unionize ALL workers immediately.

Raise the minimum wage immediately to $18/hr. Create a maximum wage of $90/hr to eliminate inequality.

Institute a 6 hour workday, and 6 weeks of paid vacation.

Institute a moratorium on all foreclosures and layoffs immediately.

Repeal racist and xenophobic English-only laws.

Open the borders to all immigrants, legal or illegal. Offer immediate, unconditional amnesty, to all undocumented residents of the US.

Create a single-payer, universal health care system.

Pass stricter campaign finance reform laws. Ban all private donations. All campaigns will receive equal funding, provided by the taxpayers.

Institute a negative income tax, and tax the very rich at rates up to 90%.

Pass far stricter environmental protection and animal rights laws.

Allow workers to elect their supervisors.

Lower the retirement age to 55. Increase Social Security benefits.

Create a 5% annual wealth tax for the very rich.

Ban the private ownership of land.

Make homeschooling illegal. Religious fanatics use it to feed their children propaganda.

Reduce the age of majority to 16.

Abolish the death penalty and life in prison. We call for the immediate release of all death row inmates from death row and transferred to regular prisons.

Release all political prisoners immediately.

Immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Abolish the debt limit.

Ban private gun ownership.

Strengthen the separation of church and state.

Immediate debt forgiveness for all.

End the 'War on Drugs'.


Edited to add: I just wanted to make sure you know this is not the OFFICIAL list of demands. Aparently it is a list of what one person thinks the demands should be.


Debbie said...

These people are the scum of the earth and nothing but future communists. They are lazy, degrading, embarrassing, hate-filled, liberals demanding to have other people supply their needs.

I could come up with many, many more adjectives to describe these low-lifes, but I actually have work to do, a house to clean, and kids to feed. All while my hard working husband is out making money that we will NOT be handing over to these leeches.

It's amazing what the liberal agenda creates in small minded people.

I just dare them to come to Texas!

Debbie said...

After I commented on your post here, I happened to hear on Sean Hannity today, that these protesters are now threatening to blow up NY City tomorrow.

And they call Christians wacko?

THIS is the Hope and Change Obama promised. Guess where he was today? Playing golf.