This is a large tote bag I made this morning from an empty pedigree dog food bag. Any feed bag that is the woven plastic kind will work. I didnt use a pattern or instructions I just do it. I have had others ask for a tutorial so I went online and found one. Here it is:http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Doggie-Bag-Tote
I like it. I make these out of feed bags for the chicks and the cat and dog food bags. Here is a link to the one I made from a rice bag.
I'll be honest I like making them...kind of neat to transform something garbage into something new.
With the new way I cant tell on your photo if you did what I did. I made my bag by cutting the five pieces for the bag...2 for front and back, 2 for sides and one for the bottom. I made a template out of a newspaper. The handles were separate too.
I did not iron but sewed the straps on first to the front and back then all the pieces with the bottom last. So I guess it looks ironed.
I buy my rice in 25 to 50 lb bags from Costco...pretty inexpensive and then I save the bag to do this.
Take care
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