Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kaleena and Justin

Kaleena's wedding is coming up. Its Sept. 19th. Kaleena's favorite color is purple. Her wedding colors are purple and silver I think.
When I saw the picture of the bride it made me think of Kaleena. And the purple flowers say Kaleena too.
I sewed for a while on Hannah's dress today, the one for the wedding. I like the pattern its not too hard. Thanks to Joella for cutting and fitting or I would not be saying that. I am trying to finish her dress so we can bring it along to the wedding shower so Kaleena can see it.
I told Joy we should bring her dress along too and just leave them both there so we don't have to bring it later.
I will have to ask Kaleena if that is ok. Then I need to think about something for me to wear. Joella suggested a sleeveless dress with a light jacket. I may do that if I have time after I make Mollie's dress of course.
Tomorrow we need to run to Perryton to pick up the case of lye I ordered to make soap. They called this afternoon and said it is in.

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