We are switching places with the girls, camper wise and Hannah moved the spare tire from under the 5th wheel and both the snake skeleton and the live black widow were on the underside. I am so glad she did not get bit. Look at the two huge egg sacks by the skeleton. Ick. Millions of baby black widows would be in there.

I blew this up so it would be closer but of course its blurry now but look how big her bottom is. Do you think its full of eggs? I am glad we caught these in time before we were infested. There seem to be many more spiders here in south Texas than where we came from.
Yikes! And Ewww.... I'm glad you found that, but how many more could be down there? Maybe you should spray on a regular basis?
Yikes is right and yes we will be spraying on a regular basis from now on.
The ants here are awful too. They bite you and it swells up with a little sack of liquid on the bite site and ITCH like crazy. I have found that if I break the sack and put my thieves oil on it they heal much faster.
We are in West Texas and they are here as well. My husband has killed probably more than a dozen this year alone and we have had one sack we didn't find. We have killed about a dozen inside this week alone. He had to switch out batteries and one was under my sink! Changed the LP gas tank and one there. He has killed several in the electrical box outside and a few inside the back water tank as he made repairs..We're going ot find out what's best to do as far as smoke bombs, etc. I so don't do spiders!! Thankful your daughter is okay!!
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