Elijah is plumb worn out. Sleeping in papa's arms.

Singing praises. Jeff, Hannah, Alaina, and Bill.

Jeff tuning a guitar.

Sometmes you just gotta take a nap.

Eating together. Bill sure can cook. We had bar-b-que ribs, fillets, bacon wrapped shrimp with jalapeno and cheese, deep fried zucchini and fingerling potatoes.
Edited to add: I thought I would introduce you all to this part of my family. Starting at the bottom with the man in the green shirt, Bill, Jeff, me, Hannah, Elijah in the high chair, Sammy, Courtney, Kaitlyn, Alaina, Joy and Mollie. Christina is taking the picture from high up on a chair.
Would you consider adopting a 62 year old woman? ;) That baby is precious.
Yes we will adopt you Yolanda,
Its kind of funny but lots of us in this picture actually were adopted. Out of the 12 people in and taking the photo, 5 were legally adopted, and all of us are adopted by Jesus, grafted into the family tree. We just keep adding more to our family. Alaina is the worship leader and Bill is the pastor. Joy and Alaina went to Bible college together. Alaina came down here before Joy and she was afraid she would take her place. I told Joy, our love multiplies not divides. There is room for all of us. Even at the table we just squeese in more chairs.
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