Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The wheels are turning

Well the wheels are turning and it looks like there will probably be some changes for our family. They are good changes. All changes come with adjustment and this one will be no different but it will be all good in the end. I darent say anymore until the powers that be are notified of the upcoming changes.

The girls washed the ceiling in the bathroom and the vent in the kitchen and the fan.

Its been nice here weather wise. Today its 68 degrees. Every afternoon we have been opening the door and letting the nice air into the RV. It doesn't really get stuffy in here very often but its good to have warm enough weather to open the doors.


Yolanda said...

I am holding my breath until you share the news. I hope this will be a happy change?

Beautifully Veiled said...

Ok....the suspense is killing me!!!! HURRY UP!!!! :)