Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Last evening some friends of our came over to visit and see where we live now. They have four children and it was interesting to realize that this really is a small space. There was no where for the kids to play except outside and when it got too cold we came inside. Once there the only place they wanted to play was in my bedroom. Maybe because it had steps leading up to it and/or that it has a sliding door? Anyway that is where they wanted to be.

It looks like if we entertain anyone with children it will have to be on a day nice enough that they can play outside. It is nice that we have a play ground just a few feet from our RV. We can see and hear them from here. Plus there is only one other camper here in the park right now.

I am thinking that soup sounds good. I think it is a great food to cook in an RV as well. Just put it in the crock pot and let it go. Maybe next time our friends come over we can have a pot of soup together. If I had been thinking I would have made some yesterday for all of us.

Today both Mollie and Hannah have to work so they have to get their school work done in a timely manner. We need to take Joy's car in for an oil change and do a load of laundry at Kristy's.

This evening the Bible School will be presenting their concert at the church in Hardesty and we plan to attend. Its at 7pm.

I ended up sorting through about 6 or 7 totes and emptying them out yesterday so yeah for us. I already know which ones I want to sort through today. Th last (I think) tote with glass jars and the totes of pictures. The storage trailer is looking better and better. One of my main goals was to get all the food in glass jars into the RV so when it freezes it wont harm it. That is almost done now.

1 comment:

Yolanda said...

I would imagine that as time goes on, you'll be surprised by all sorts of things you had not really foreseen with this move. It will be an adventure!