Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More on the Mobile washer

Yesterday I did two bucket loads of wash with my mobile washer and today I just have some underthings and socks to wash. I am once again surprised at the amount of dirt in the wash water. Not having washed clothes by hand since we moved here it seems like there is just a lot of dirt in the clothes. After all, its a t-shirt, two pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear. I poured the dirty wash water down the drain and filled the bucket up again with wash water. I am finding that doing the laundry this way is very easy. When I get my wringer in on Friday I will just wash and rinse my clothes in the tub in buckets just like I have been doing and then take the clean clothes outside and run them through the wringer and hang them outside to dry. Its suppose to be in the 60's by the weekend and so that should work fine.

I just need to figure out where to attach the wringer. The owner of the company said it can be attached to a saw horse but I am thinking our saw horses wont work because they are the collapsible metal kind and the cross piece will be too wide. I am sure I will figure out something. I am thinking about getting a couple of galvanized metal tubs to do the wash in outside when the weather is warmer so it may attach to one of them easily. I have tables outside to set my tubs on.

Dyna-Jet has a non electric wash machine I would love to buy but for now I am just going to have to be satisfied with the set up I now have. It works fine.

I was thinking about contentment the other day and wondering why I always want something else or something more? Why am I not content with what I have now? I am trying to work on that and hoping to be content. Some people look at others who are content with the way things are as being ambivalent. I guess there is a fine line between being content and being ambivalent. I will have to think on that.

1 comment:

Yolanda said...

It is in our very nature to be creative and always learning. I do not, for one moment, believe that you are discontented or greedy.