Yippie, Jeff starts his new job today. Thankfully it is in a town nearby so we don't have to move right away if at all.
After more than five months of being jobless we are quite ready to have an income.
I gave my first sewing lesson to a young lady and am thinking about offering sewing lessons as a service to ladies who own a machine but don't know how to use it.
I already have two friends whom I am going to teach to use their machines. One friend helped me set up my account to sell things from this site and the other friend is a fabulous baker and is going to help me in that area. We will both be benefiting from the exchange.
So with the feeling that there might be interest in those areas I am considering the sewing helps for other ladies.
On another topic.
This blog was started as a sort of online diary and recipe collection place for myself and my daughters and mom and sisters and friends to read.
It's my blog and I never dreamed I would have followers let alone other readers. I am thrilled about that. It's just that its my blog and if I misspell something or put something on here that someone doesn't like then so what? Its my blog.
I love it when others read my blog and I always see if they have one of their own and if they do I go read it. I would never presume to tell them how to run their blog or their life. Sometimes I want to, but I realize its their blog. That's how I feel about this blog. If someone doesn't like what I put on here then they don't have to read it. It's just a blog for crying out loud.
If you actually know me you would know that I am not the most diplomatic person alive. Understatement.
But you would also know I try and give and love as good as I can. I wish I were smart like some other bloggers and eloquent, but I am just me,
Ha ha ha, I am soooo with ya, sister! I stopped publishing comments that correct my spelling. Who cares?!
I type my blog in a hurry, and frankly, I spell better when I write, rather than type. My muscle memory learned how to type certain words before I knew how to spell them. I've been typing since Jr. High, LOL. My fingers are still Jr. High, I guess. Again I say - who cares? LOL
Oh who cares how you spell! They can get over it real fast. :D
Prayzgod (Candy): When you claim to possess Mensa-level intelligence yet write, spell, and think at a third-grade level (if that).. well, something's just not ringing true.
I love your blog! You are a fantastic person and so generous to share your experiences with us. You are an inspiration!
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