Monday, January 4, 2010

New age religion at its finest

Check out this quote right out of the new agers book.

On this day God wants you to know.....
that you are perfect as you are. God doesn't create faulty life. No. Everything created by God is perfect, and so are you. So stop driving yourself mad with endless ways to improve, and just accept the glory of your being as is.

Where is sin? Oh yeah, there is no such thing.

1 comment:

Happy Hermit ( said...

I think we are like garden flowers. Sin is part of our growth , god only lets us grow after we admit our sin. Some people are just a bit slow growing , god has yet to interceed in their lives. the only true perfection is the lord. Anyone else claiming perfection does not understand god. There are many sprouts in this world and they will some may never come to frutation , and that is sad. Pray they find god , and pray that god use you to help THEM.