Thursday, May 27, 2010

Get er done

This morning we got up late and didn't start making stone until about 8:30 am. Then in the middle of making stone the guys came to put the fiber optic cable thingy or something in so now our Internet is suppose to be 60 times faster than it was.

Once we finished making stone we cleaned out one of the sheds. I didn't realize it was so messy and dirty it had gotten. Now it is organized and I know how much pig fat and used oil I have for making soap. We marked the 5 gallon buckets so I wouldn't have to guess or open them to find out.

Then it was lunch time and Joy wanted homemade pizza so we made a cheese and also a mushroom and cheese pizza. The cheese one was the best, yum.

Mollie didn't have to babysit Jace today so they watched a movie and I took a nap. I had a little tummy upset for some reason, but I am fine now.

After resting I decided to get some sewing done. I made an apron out of fabric I got at a thrift store. I got 10 yards for 4.94. It had stripes and watermelons on it. I decided that would be my summer apron. Then I made three new pillow cases for Joy's little pillow she likes to snuggle with. The pillow case she took to college was really worn out so it got thrown.

While I was sewing the girls began cleaning their rooms. Joy is going through books and such and now we have a bunch of stuff to take to the thrift store.

I want to take my old sewing machine and the sewing machine I bought in Missouri a couple of weeks ago and get them cleaned and worked on and ready to go. Joy wants to take a machine with her to college next year so she can mend and sew.

It was too wet to mow today so hopefully we can get some mowing done tomorrow after we do stone.


Yolanda said...

As always, I get tired just reading your list! I did do a lot today, though. Milked the goats, worked in the greenhouse, transplanted more tomatoes, cleaned the Church building, took a nap, make 4 pounds of cheddar and 5 loaves of whole wheat bread, started mending some jeans for our local son. Now it will be dinner for my hubby, milk the goats again and watch a movie with him. A good day!

debbieo said...

I was thinking about you when I wrote this. You get an awful lot done too. ITs just that we do what we do, when we read what others do it seems like its added to what we do and it makes us tired. LOL. I would love to eat some cheddar and whole wheat bread with you.
Can you take a pix of those things your hubby built you? I would love to see what you are talking about exactly.

Kaleena said...

If the girls have any books that would be good for 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders, I would like to have them. I don't have many for that age group. I love you mom.