Sunday, February 7, 2010

Church is cancelled

We got a phone call a few minutes ago that church is cancelled today. It apparently is slick outside. It was cancelled last week too. It seems like a long time since we have had church. When you are used to going to church every Sunday and you miss one it seems like you've been out of town. When you miss two, I don't know how you feel.


Captain Hook and Lady Crochet said...

I didn't go today because I am under the weather.However...I will point out that our services are cancelled tonight. Not weather related....our pastor is a Colts fan. Can you believe that?

Lori said...

Our church has been cancelled for 2 weeks now. I miss it but we have 30 inches of snow outside so it is understandable. PRAISE THE LORD we still have electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way love your blog.