Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Candy's multipurpose solution

Candy over at keeping the home posted a video of herself making multi purpose solution. Her recipe is to get a spray bottle, any size, and put 1/2 white vinegar to 1/2 water in the bottle. She then put in about 10 drops of tea tree oil for extra antibacterial properties. She says she uses this solution for everything from windows and mirrors to surfaces.
To visit Candy's blog and/or to watch her video go to: http://myblessedhome.blogspot.com/

I have made a similar solution without the tea tree oil. I think I will put some in my solution.

One thing we do around here is when we need a bucket of soapy water for floor washing we use Pink Monkey liquid soap and add a dash of lemon oil. The lemon scent gives the house a clean fresh smell. I have many essential oils because of y soap making. A few times we have used white magnolia in the soap water, but the smell is overwhelming to me so we usually stick with the lemon oil.

Make your own dish soap.
To make your own dish soap just measure about 6 cups of water into a deep pan. Heat to boiling. Meanwhile grate a bar of soap into a bowl or what I do is grate the odd ends and scraps of soap I have saved in the bathroom in a bowl. When the water is boiling, turn the heat down to med and add the grated soap. Stir until all the soap is melted. Be sure to watch carefully, because this will foam up and get on the stove. Its easy to clean up because its soap but its better not to make a mess. When the soap has melted, turn the heat off and let set until cool. You can pour the mixture into a clean soap jug and it will thicken up over the course of two days. If you want to you can add tea tree oil, lemon oil or some other essential oil for a delightful scent.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice words about my video, and for the dish soap instructions. I've been in a pinch before, where I was out of dish soap and needed some. I'll keep this in mind for the next time a pinch occurs. :-)

Ma said...

Thanks for the information about dish soap. I've been wondering about how to make that for a long time. I tried using a homemade multi-purpose spray on mirrors, and added some peppermint oil, but I think the oil left streaks. Have you noticed anything like that?