Friday, April 23, 2010

Gardeners hand scrub

I needed to make a batch of gardeners hand scrub to take with me to Dodge tomorrow. I wanted it to put in the flower shop at the mall because they want to sell my products.
Anyway I was messing around with my recipe for the hand scrub and decided to try putting oatmeal in for extra scrubbing power and added softness. Bingo. Then I thought, what if I whip this like I do the body whip. Bingo. It's like marshmallow creme, except not so sticky. It comes out of the jar easily. Wet hands, get some scrub. Scrub and rinse. Follow with Pink Monkey body whip and you will have soft hands.

Now I have a completely new product. I wanted to make the gardeners hand scrub different from the other scrubs and now it is.
It really cleans and softens your hands. Color me excited.

The spinach casserole is being made for lunch. Yummm.

Oh and my friend Kristy who opened up the new Breakfast Club restaurant today, called and said some of her waitresses may want me to embroider their names on their aprons. Yippie, little bit of extra cash.

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