The land was paid for with a donation from Brother and Sister Lowell Long, Granby,Missouri
The tin roof and rafters will cost bout $1,000. Pray about this need.

Praise the Lord for another new Apostolic Faith Church in Kayango Uganda. The picture shows the "land closing" of the sale. The new pastor is shown speaking and some of the members listen as the dedication address is given.
The land which includes a small brick building and approximately one acre of ground.

The new church including children are eager to learn about God as they listen to Pastor Ojambo deliver the message
Pray for this new work that many souls will be won to the Lord.

Behind every good pastor there is a good wife who prays, cooks and teaches when necessary.

Please meet Deborah Tendo. Our newest orphan. She is 6 years old. Her mother is a prostitute and tests positive for HIV.
Her father is unknown. She is now living at the Apostolic Faith Remnant Orphanage located in the Sharp Center in Kampala, Uganda.
She very happy to be there.
For the kingdom of God is like little children. Aren't they precious? Will you pray about sponsoring Deborah for $30 a month?
You can pay by check or by credit card. We also have recurring credit card charges available for your convenience if your choose to do so.
To make a donation contact:http://www.apostolicgraduateschool.org/donate.asp
1 comment:
Such beautiful people. Thank you for sharing this "Good" news.
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