Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is the package the baby chicks arrived in. You can see I have my sugar water ready to dip their beeks into.
Aren't they sweet? Babies are so cute.

Look at our new home.

A view from the top.

Oops, looks like overcrowding. I better get the other brooder ready.

There, now they aren't so crowded. Now I am going to have to find a place to put them while we make stone. The vibrator table is under that blue tarp.

I used a planter bottom for a feed dish.

This is a top view of the second brooder I set up this morning.

All the chicks are Rhode Island Reds. The little black one is the free exotic one they send with your order. I have never had one of the exotic ones live. I hope this one does better.


Yolanda said...

Soooooooooooooooo Cute!!!! Awwww :)

Anonymous said...

Oh they just look wonderful!

They look healthy and quite busy :)



Anonymous said...

I love baby chicks - so cute! They so .... cuddly, LOL.

Julieann said...

I really am happy I came across your blog, it truly is lovely! I have enjoyed reading your posts, and look forward to continue reading. The chicks are adorable!

Have a wonderful Monday!
