Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Servces

Today begins our community Easter services. Each evening a different church in the community hosts the service. They mix up the preachers too. So the preacher from each church preaches at someone else's church. The whole community comes together at this time. I really like going to other churches and hearing other preachers. The host church provides the music, music leader and a special if they want.
The Holy week services culminate on Sunday morning out at Kirby's land where there is a valley with three crosses on a hill. We have our sunrise service there and then everyone goes home to get ready for Easter service at their own church.

Our community gets together church wise a few times a year. We also have community VBS, weekly youth, children's gathering called GULP (God uses little people) and another youth gathering on the weekend.

I like living in a community that can get together like that and I wish we had even more of it. After all, we will all be in heaven together if we are believers so we should be able to gather on earth together in preparation for the big reunion in heaven.


Beautifully Veiled said...

I am in awe....That is just amazing and I'm so glad that your get to be a part of a community with such openness to others whose "theological view" of christianity is different. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing. That has done my heart good!

Mrs. D said...

This is wonderful.

Our Church is putting on a play, sigh. They do it every year. It annoys me because some people only go to Church once or twice a year and they should have the oppurtunity to hear Truth, not be entertained.